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A message from our West Gulf Division Director, John Stratton N5AUS. Our Oklahoma/Texas leadership supports this Motion. However, they are currently in the minority. Feel free to contact the leaders that John lists below and contact your friends outside the region so they can review this information and take appropriateContinue Reading

ARRL Section Map showing OK, WTX, NTX, and STX

The West Gulf Division consists of 4 ARRL Sections. OK – Oklahoma which has 77 counties. NTX – North Texas STX – South Texas WTX – West Texas   The three Texas Sections total 254 counties All four Sections, OK, NTX, WTX, and STX total 331 countiesContinue Reading

ARRL’s governance structure divides the United States into 15 ARRL Divisions. Every three years, ARRL members in each of these Divisions elect both a Director and a Vice Director to represent them on the ARRL’s Board of Directors. The ARRL Board determines the ARRL policies that are implemented by theContinue Reading

Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, West Gulf Division Director Amateur Radio Legal Defense & Assistance John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, West Gulf Division Director Legislative Advocacy Committee John Robert Stratton, N5AUS, West Gulf Division Director (Chair) For a complete list of ARRL Board Committees and whoContinue Reading

Your elevatory pitch of why somebody should spend 49 bucks to join the ARRL goes here… Why Join the 160,000+ Members of the ARRL? Qui quisquis. Omni possedit seductaque sibi. Densior undis habitabilis peragebant passim mea. Fossae et diffundi sive primaque. Nec sidera nondum fixo speciem pluviaque dicere montibus. InduitContinue Reading